Communicating critical incidents that disrupt access to the eduMe platform for admins and learners.
What is a P0/P1 incident?
P0/P1 incidents are critical/major incidents that disrupt access to the eduMe platform for admins/learners.
🚨 P0: Critical incident, high impact
Critical system issue actively impacting most or all customers’ ability to use the product. Requires public notification and direct communication to customers.
⚠️ P1: Major incident, medium impact
Critical system issue actively impacting many customers' ability to use the product. May require direct notification to customers.
How should you let us know?
If you notice a disruption to the eduMe platform, please reach out to or via webchat as soon as possible to report this. We will escalate this to our team.
What to include:
How the platform is being disrupted
If it is a learner/admin/both disruption
How soon will you know if there is an outage?
Usually, we will aim to communicate any system outages/critical incidents as soon as possible. P0 and P1 incidents are typically reported to customers within 3 hours of the incident being reported.