Uploading Videos and Images

There are a number of areas where you can add images and videos in eduMe. Read on to find out what file types we accept, size and format restrictions and best practice guidance.

What's Covered



Accepted video file types



Accepted image file types

Image library

Image cropper

Video and Image formats




  • Keep length to no more than 2 minutes

  • The file size should be less than 25MB - files that are too large will lead to longer loading times in the course

  • Resolution should be 480p or 540p

Please note: we accept videos up to any length, up to 80MB and up to 1080p resolution however we strongly recommend following our guidelines to ensure smooth delivery and low mobile data impact


Accepted video file types

  • MP4
  • mov
  • YouTube URL (make sure this is set to ‘public’ - private videos cannot be viewed)

NB: Videos uploaded through YouTube URL will be skippable.



  • If adding images to conversational lessons and messages:

    • 2 x 1 ratio (600 x 300 pixels)

  • If adding images to slideshow lessons:

    • 1 x 1 ratio (300 x 300 pixels) for slides

    • 2 x 1 ratio (600 x 300 pixels) for image quizzes

  • Keep file size to no more than 2MB

Accepted image file types

  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif

Image library

You can insert previously uploaded images from your Group library or from the eduMe library.

Your Group library contains all images that have been uploaded by any admins with access to the current Group you're editing:

Screenshot 2022-03-30 at 12.56.50

The eduMe library contains a range of illustrated and real-life images that you're free to use across any of your courses:

Screenshot 2022-03-30 at 12.56.29

Tip! You'll also see a quick link to Unsplash in the sidebar. This is a great website that we recommend for high-quality, royalty-free imagery


Image Cropper

The image cropper is available for every image you upload within eduMe content. This will help you to ensure that you are selecting the correct area within your existing image assets.

Screen Recording 2022-03-30 at 13.05.05

Video and Image formats

  • Landscape 16:9, (845 x 480) - export setting at resolution 480p

  • Portrait 9:16, (480 x 845)

  • Square 1:1, (900 x 900)

  • Guides: Portrait 9:16, (480 x 845)