
Guides is a content format that allows you to share visual content with instructions. It is similar to Stories on social media.

Guides democratize content creation and empowers a wide range of people to share their knowledge. Anyone can create Guides in their area of expertise. For example, a warehouse manager can create Guides on warehouse safety for the workers. As the Story format is potentially familiar, learners can grasp and retain knowledge more efficiently. You can create Guides using our Content Builder app built specifically for this content format.

Since frontline workers usually have numerous things competing for their time and attention, Guides provide knowledge in a bite-sized and visual-rich format. This allows workers to see practical examples in a way that’s easy to understand, improving knowledge retention.

Recommended use cases

  • Standard operating procedures (onboarding, refreshers and regular updates)
  • New products and services you're offering
  • Promotions and special offers

Sample guide

Here's a sample guide we've created for you.