Reassign Users to a Course

eduMe’s Course Reassignment feature allows you to pinpoint knowledge gaps, outdated certifications or incidents, and then assign existing relevant courses to learners and track their completion

What's covered

How to reassign a course

How to view completion data for reassigned users

How to reassign a course

To invite your existing learners to re-take a course, here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Open the course you’d like to reassign and head to the Delivery tab

  2. Click the Reassign users button (if you don’t see this in your admin panel, just reach out to eduMe Support and we’ll switch this feature on for you)

  3. Download the CSV template and input either the Employee ID, email address or phone number of the users you’d like to reassign. Once all users have been added, save the file (make sure it is saved as a .csv file)
  4. Click Choose CSV file from the Reassign Users pop-up window and select the CSV file you want to upload

  5. Once your upload is complete, you’ll be notified that your users have successfully been reassigned to their course

How to view completion data for reassigned users

Alongside the Course Reassignment feature, we’ve included additional reporting views in the admin panel so you can easily view course completion data for reassigned users.

Here’s how you can view reports for reassigned users:

  1. Head to the Reports tab in your admin panel and click View course report for the course you’d like to review

  2. In the Course Activity panel, switch the toggle from Overall to Reassigned. This will show you an overview of course data for those users who have been reassigned to the course

  3. To view a detailed breakdown of course completion data, click Download group report and select the report you’d like to download under Reassigned Users