Scenario Video Recommendations

Tips to make the best use of scenario videos in your quizzes.

We accept videos of any length, up to 80MB and up to 1080p resolution. However, we strongly recommend following our guidelines to ensure smooth delivery and low mobile data impact.


  • Use portrait format (9x16)
  • Point of view style of filming works the best to let the learner fully immerse into a scenario. A point of view shot is a film angle that shows what a character is looking at in the first person.
  • Keep length short:
    • Scenario setting video - no more than 2 minutes
    • Feedback videos - between 15 and 30 seconds
  • The file size should be less than 25MB - files that are too large will lead to longer loading times in the course.
  • Resolution of 480p or 540p works perfectly on smaller screen.

Accepted video file types

  • MP4
  • mov
  • YouTube URL (make sure this is set to ‘public’ - private videos cannot be viewed)

Sample use cases

This feature helps learners experiment with responding to different scenarios before encountering similar scenarios on the job. Providing learners the option to understand the possible consequences of each action in a safe environment helps them understand better. We recommend using scenario videos to offer feedback on training such as:

  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Company values
  • Handling difficult customer situations
  • Interacting with customers
  • Road safety