Signing Secrets

Generate Signing Secrets in the eduMe admin panel for use with Seamless Links

What's covered?

What is a signing secret?

How do I generate a signing secret?

What is a signing secret?

Signing Secrets are required to sign your company’s Seamless Links, ensuring only the intended learners can access courses.

How do I generate a signing secret?

Note! You’ll need Company Lead admin permissions in order to generate Signing Secrets. You can check your admin permissions by heading to Settings. Reach out to your administrator to request changes to your admin permissions

  1. Click Settings and select Company Settings from the dropdown menu
  2. In the Developer Tools panel, select Signing Secrets
  3. Click + Create Signing Secret

Once your Signing Secret has been created, it will appear in the list of Active Signing Secrets.

To copy the Signing Secret, click the clipboard icon Screenshot 2022-08-03 at 13.01.19