Overview of eduMe Links

You can share a variety of link types with learners, depending on how you'd like them to access your learning content. Here, we'll provide an overview of the link types we offer, what they do and how to generate them.

What's covered?

What are the different link types?



Seamless Links

Seamless Dashboard

How do I generate a link?

What are the different link types?

eduMe offers a number of ways to share learning content, meaning your workforce can access relevant training in a way that works for them.

The following link types can be created through the admin panel* and shared via your preferred communication method.

*Please note that some development resource will be required from your internal team to set up certain link types.


Self Sign Up (or SSU) links direct your learners to a course landing page where they can sign up to access eduMe content with their preferred email or phone number.

Existing users can access this link too; once they enter their registered email or phone number, they'll be taken to a login page before being directed to their course.

Requires no development support.


Single Sign On (or SSO) links use your own systems to authenticate users based on the information you have stored.

eduMe supports OAuth2 and SAML based SSO, meaning that if your identity provider supports these options, your users can log in to eduMe via your systems.

Requires some development support.

Seamless Links

With Seamless Links, learners are securely taken straight to the content with no need for login details or passwords.

Using individual user IDs from your systems, you can create a unique link for specific users. There's no need for users to remember login details or passwords, making access—seamless!

Requires some development support.

Seamless Dashboard

A Seamless Dashboard link can be used within your own applications to take users directly to a learning hub where they can access relevant learning content.

Requires some development support.

How do I generate a link?

Generating a SSU or base link (for SSO and Seamless link types) can easily be done within the eduMe admin panel.

Links are generated on a course and Team level, so you'll need to make sure you have a Team assigned to the course first.

For a detailed guide on setting up each link type, head to the relevant article (linked above).

Don't see the option to generate a link in your admin panel? Reach out to support@edume.com or your dedicated Customer Success Manager to get this set up

Generating a link

  1. In the Learning tab of the navigation bar, open the course you'd like to generate a link for and select Delivery
  2. Next to each Team, you'll see a Copy link button—click this to pull down the available link type options
  3. Click the link you'd like to select to copy it
    1. For SSU links, that's it! You can now share this through your preferred communication channels
    2. For SSO and Seamless link types, you now have the base link which can be edited as needed